Friday, 31 May 2013

Easy does it...

Up next in a thinking environment is 'Ease'.

Have you ever felt un-nerved when you're talking to someone because you're not in a comfortable environment, felt rushed or pressured?  How did you react to it?  Did you begin to rush your message or cut it short?  No matter what the reaction I bet you weren't at your best when you were talking.  Now imagine if you'd have been given quality focused time where you didn't have to rush...what would have happened then?

The timing...
I remember being young and playing various make believe games, and dragging whoever was around into said games.  When that person was a grown up I'd have their co-operation for about 15 minutes before they'd gently say to 'ok Char, just 2 more minutes'.  My bottom lip would be straight out, I wasn't at the end of my game and I was going to have to cut it short.  I now see it from their point of view that I was probably make them play at being a zoo animal, supermarket customer or school child when they probably had a million other things to do.  However, as well as the bottom lip I'd immediately cut the game short no matter what stage we were at (and usually only just beginning, my games lasted a while) and feel really quite deflated.

A bit of a throw back example but the principles are the same - cut someone short and they'll feel a bit put out and lose their creative juices. 

A more up to date experience and one you might recognise is when people come into a meeting (or something equivalent) and say they've only got 10 minutes when we've blocked out half an hour.  You rush your message, miss a load of things and don't get a quality discussion.

Keep in mind the next occassion you're talking to someone - if you have the time, give it up to them.  If you don't then be up front but find an opportunity when you really can have a quality conversation together.

The environment...
Picture the scene...a busy-ish corridor and someone has collared you to catch up about a pressing project.  How do you feel having that conversation?  It can be really off putting if there's lots of noise going on around you so suddenly the great opportunity someone has seized to talk to you becomes a confusing conversation full of distractions.

It's not always possible but the next time you head for a catch up with someone think about the location - you can't always have natural light and fresh air, but don't let the coffee queue be the default location.

So, to round off this post here's the killer question - are you doing everything in your power to put people at ease?

Happy Friday xx

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