Saturday, 25 May 2013

A relationship of equals...

The next component in a thinking environment is 'Equality'.

Do you work in a company that thrives (and manipulates) on a hierarchy culture/operating model?  What does that hierarchy mean?  Is it grounded in financial reward, specialist knowledge or length of service?  How does it affect everybody that works there?

Hierarchy can cause a big barrier when it comes equality, and it's really only human nature - but that's why we need a bit of nurture thrown in for good measure.  Those at the top of the hierarchy earning a pretty penny should be there for a reason, and they are likely to be the best person for that job because of their knowledge, judgement, influence, skill...the list could go on (although there are some examples where this isn't true!).  So what goes through their head then when they're having a discussion with someone more junior?  Do they let them have more opportunity, less opportunity or the same amount of opportunity to input?  If your answer is anything other than 'the same', I know what your thought process would have been. However, consider for a moment what it would look like if they were given equal time and opportunity - not hushed because they were more junior or in fact given more time because it's a chance to shine in front of someone more senior...

I think the result would be quite stark.  Give someone an equal footing and they will shine - not because of the brilliant opportunity but because they are being treated as a person and an individual.  Their input will come thick and fast, and most importantly they will feel appreciated and like they have genuinely earned their place in the room rather than someone taking pity on them.

So, the next time you're heading into a meeting or a conversation with someone ask yourself -
- have I treated that person as an equal?
- How can I remove any pre-judgement I have in my head about why they aren't my equal?
- If it's me that isn't being treated as an equal, how can I get my voice heard?
- How can I remove any thoughts in my own head that I'm not an equal to the person opposite me?

The key to this will be unpicking the pre-judgement you have in either situation.  Find a way to work through that because you'll probably find a good chunk of the reasons are irrational!

Happy equalising xx

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